
The Grace Kelly Blogathon is Here — Day 2


Even though tomorrow marks what would have been the Princess of Monaco’s 90th birthday, Grace Kelly fans worldwide have already began writing tributes to this blonde screen goddess! There are few events that I look forward to more than The Wonderful Grace Kelly Blogathon, which is hosted every year by Virginie of The Wonderful World of Cinema. This blogathon is now in its fifth year, and I couldn’t be more delighted and honored to be co-hosting it for the first time today, following our other co-host Emily of The Flapper Dame’s fantastic roundup yesterday! I just adore how much appreciation continues to exist for Grace Kelly, her legacy, and her incredible films that remain with us today, so I’m extremely proud to introduce all of the bloggers who have paid tribute to this actress the day before her birthday. Below you’ll find all of the entries so far, and please comment on this post or on the blogathon’s announcement with a link to your entry if you’ve posted today! Keep an eye out for updates throughout the day as well as Virginie’s roundup tomorrow!


4 Star Films rings in the second day of the blogathon with a delightful look at some of the times Grace Kelly and Audrey Hepburn crossed paths.


The always-amazing Gabriela of Pale Writer discusses Grace Kelly’s collaborations with the master of suspense, Alfred Hitchcock.


My fantastic co-host Emily of The Flapper Dame gives a fascinating review of Meet Me in Monaco, a historical fiction novel involving Grace Kelly and her time in the French Riviera just before becoming Monaco’s princess.


I join in on the fun by sharing Grace Kelly’s recipe for Ratatouille Nicoise and revisiting To Catch a Thief (1955).
